'4th Meeting of the Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology

On-line registration is highly recommended.
If on-line registration is not available, please download and complete the registration form, and fax to : +886-3-5339315.

Registration Fees ($: USD)

Registration before Sep. 15, 2005

Registration after Sept. 15, 2005

Regular Participant $200 $250
Resident/Fellow/ R.N. $100 $150
Accompanying Person $50 $50
* Registration includes: Welcome Reception、Scientific Program、Coffee Breaks and Banquet.


Once registration process is completed, a confirmation letter will be emailed to the register.
Payment can be made either by Credit Card or Bank Transfer

Cancellation and Refund

Cancellation can be processed on-line. Please refer to the following cutoff dates for cancellation.All refund will be made after the meeting. Bank and service charges will be deducted from the refunded amount.
70% refund Cancellation by Oct.1, 2005, No refund Cancellation after Oct.1, 2005